Paediatric Occupational Therapy

Our Approach  


Children are unique and so present with a unique set of strengths and difficulties. In the OT sessions, my extensive background allows me to draw from different models of treatment. Sensory Integration is core in working to improve the children's sensory processing and their gross and fine motor functioning. It is strengthened by activities using perceptual motor and motor based techniques.


What is Sensory Integration?

People are connected to their world and to their bodies through their senses. If there is an imbalance somewhere in the sensory system it can result in a variety of functional and behavioural difficulties. Sensory Integration is the way our nervous system identifies, organises and responds to the different sensations we are exposed to. When this process is efficient and accurate, sensory information forms the foundation for motor learning, for developing functional skills, for the way we respond to our environment and has an impact our emotional wellbeing. 

We use Sensory Integration to help children normalise their sensory processing. We do this by engaging them in fun activities within a stimulating environment to develop certain core skills. This approach means they will be fully engaged in the therapeutic process resulting in enhanced learning and the transfer of skills into everyday situations. And when a child begins to feel confident in their abilities and experiences success, they are more likely to attempt other activities and take the risk of trying new things.