Paediatric Occupational Therapy

Modulation of arousal level

Modulation is a child's ability to regulate or control their arousal level (or energy level) in different environments and in response to different stimuli.


Modulation involves being able to increase energy levels if a child is feeling under responsive and starting to 'switch off' but also the ability to calm down or lower arousal in busy, exciting or fearful situations.  Modulation involves both the processing of sensory stimuli but also the inhibition of unwanted sensory stimuli.  When a child can do this successfully, they have control of their own arousal level independently of the environment around them rather than responding to the it.  

Children with difficulty in this area can have swings to either side, they can appear sluggish one minute, then over energetic when movement or other sensory stimuli is introduced.  As well as being over excited they can also become overly tearful, agitated or angry.  The response can seem disproportionate for the stimulation and the child often needs help to calm down to a more functional state.